Media that makes you go: "wait...people HATE that?!"
I think this applies more to older media, but whenever I hear a super beloved franchise/movie has haters I have that reaction.
Case in point: Return of The Jedi. Like, fuck offffff. How can you hate Jedi. "UgH iT WAs ToO MuPpetTy fOr mE."
Whatever. What inspired this question was Ghostbusters 2. I've recently learned that people hated that one. Bro, WHAT.
I mean yeah, there are some things that weren't really ideal. Like the crew starting out washed up. Or Donna having a random baby. But by the end the movie has redeemed itself for me. The Statue of Liberty moment is just too good. And Viggo is a cool villain concept.
So yeah. I always thought there were 2 good Ghostbusters movies.