Followers not Receiving Live Notifications for a Month Now...How do I fix this??

Hey guys!

I am new to streaming, however, I did read up on how to update your live notification through the twitch website and the new notification system but nothing answers my issue, I am having. I didn't realize till today but none of my followers have been receiving my live notifications when I stream. My current message is this: SassyGamerLady is about to RUN away and possibly make it out a-live! O.o

I am just wondering is that message the reason why it isn't going live (I have tried numerous messages as well) or is it an issue with a setting in OBS which I use to stream? I am sure there is probably an easy solution here I am just not grasping but it is quite frustrating to my viewers and well, to me, lol. Any help or suggestions would be most welcomed and appreciated!

Thanks Guys! <3 <3 <3