Modern feminism in the US has impeded women rights in more patriarchal society's

It is no secret that America has been leading the fight against the patriarchy and instilling more progressive views. In countries were the patriarchy is still in place people often look to America to see the absolute sht show going on over here between the sexes. American women are some of the most privileged and free women in the entire world but are the most vocal about how they're oppressed. Why would a patriarchal society advocate for equal women's rights if a gender war is what it will lead too. I see alot of comments and videos online of blatant misandry and when people call it out they say its okay because men have oppressed women throughout history and I see tons of people agreeing with this rhetoric, why would men in a patriarchal society try to write the wrongs of there predecessors if future generation's of men are still going to be blamed, it would be case of danmed if you do danmed if you don't.  

I've talked to Americans women about arranged marriages and most are admittedly against (which i can respect),so I asked them why, they say it is misogynistic and rooted in time were men had control over who women could date, i said understand, I then asked what have your dating experiences been like, they've all been negative they replied, I asked why might that be because the quality of men are terrible they said. How can men be responsible for your own dating life choices if you have the freedom to date who ever you please. Its this contradictory rhetoric that cause many people to role their eyes if all your ex's were narcissistic toxic men thats says more about you then the state of men. 

Choosing piss poor quality men and bringing children up into unfortunate circumstances which end up having catastrophic consequences for all parties involved. When you have power you have responsibility, women's power is controlling who gets to have children if every woman on earth disappeared that would be the end of the species, if every man disappeared the species would carry on through sperm banks. You can claim this is a double standard but at the end of the day a man can not have a child unless a woman permits it. Takes Elon Musk and Nick Cannon (two men notorious for being deadbeats) these men could not have gained the status as a deadbeat if women did not allow them to. These women knew who elon and nick were and still ALLOWED these men to hit and impregnate them and then carried their children for 9 months all choices these women made. As far as abortion goes people often advocate for my body my choice you have to keep that same energy for the men you let nut in you, women can not have selective agency over there body, you either acknowledge you have agency over your own life or give those rights to someone else.

Sexual liberation seems to be a very big part of modern feminism even though early feminism fought vehemently so women wouldn't be seen as sexual objects then the goal post was moved to women should be able do whatever they want without judgment. Needless to say men in more patriarchal society's do not want their sisters,daughters, mothers selling their box for 3.99 on onlyfans.

Unbridled extremists rhetoric from feminism and other adjacent groups has left alot of men feeling disenfranchised and even thought America men are usually more progressives this return of conservatism just solidifies alot of these others patriarchal societal view points that patriarchy is the way.

Lack of empathy for men and men's issues regardless of the sacrifice that women and MEN made for women's equality, when the shoe is on the other foot and men needs society helps they get told promptly to fck off and solve your own problem.This type of behavior does not go unnoticed by other patriarchal countries and shaming them into compliance is not going to work ,that was made abruptly clear with the recent election.