The democrats were completely wrong about the economy and egg prices

Maybe not really unpopular at this point but an opinion like this elsewhere on reddit could still possibly get you banned from some subs so here goes.

Remember all the idiots complaining about egg prices? Remember when trump got elected and you all started crying about how it's been a week and eggs are still expensive, what gives, this all must be Trump's fault?

It must suck to have been proved so wrong so fast. They were also wrong about everything else regarding the economy. And will likely be wrong about the "trumpcession"

Joe Biden changed the data on how a recession is calculated and the current administration knows that we've technically been in one already. Now we're just finally experiencing the stock market effects of passing the buck on the recession for a few years.

All time highs by the end of the year is my guess, and anyone who sold their bags because of trump is going to just further prove my point that democrats don't know the first thing about the economy.

The only thing left is the looming tariffs, which are going to end up being a nothingburger.

Fight me.

Edit: since you're all allergic to information and Google here ya go