Women need to stop shaming men for wanting DNA tests
Only a cheater and a liar would be against a man having an absolute right to incontrovertible proof that they are the father. ESPECIALLY in a marriage or long term relationship.
I just witnessed an entire thread of women badmouthing a man for secretly getting a DNA test. The only reason he had to use subterfuge in the first place is because women have convinced men its shameful to want to know. Like its some personal affront to not be 100% sure your partner is faithful. Its unwise to trust ANYBODY 100%.
Ppls spouses try to MURDER them. Its literally the most common suspect. Goddamn right they would lie to you to cover their infidelity. How is this even a debate??
This is absolutely sociopathic. A man has every right to be sure the child is his before investing a lifetime in the child.