Republicans don't actually care about undocumented labor

If Republicans cared about ending undocumented labor they could do it easily with 2 steps.

  1. Conduct random checks on businesses
  2. Severely punish businesses caught employing undocumented immigrants on the first offense. No amnesty or warnings

The largest penalty ever imposed on a company for employing undocumented immigrants was on the Asplundh tree service company and it amounted to less than 1% of their profits over the time period they were fined for. Punishments like this are not a deterrent and if anything they incentivize companies to use undocumented labor.

Republicans have been praising Ron DeSantis's new law in Florida and it gives companies not one but 2 warnings before penalizing them, and after they're caught they are given 30 days to fire the undocumented immigrants and they know exactly when the state will be back to check.

Republicans politicians want to publicly make Hispanic and other minority individuals suffer in order to appease their base, while also giving businesses a free pass. If you are a republican voter you should know that they think you are not intelligent enough to understand that they are doing.