If you think/want women to be trad housewives, then stop complaining about how alimony is unfair to men
Men love to scream about how unfair alimony is to men, but those same men are also the ones who insist that women shouldn’t be in the workforce, that they should be “traditional” stay at home wives. Not even realizing, THATS THE ENTIRE REASON ALIMONY EXISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
If a woman sacrifices her career to raise kids and take care of the home for decades, what exactly is she supposed to do if the marriage falls apart? Just be left with nothing because she wasn’t the one earning a paycheck? That’s the whole point of alimony was to provide financial support to women because they couldn’t work.
Men also love to argue, “Well, women file for divorce most of the time, so they shouldn’t get anything.” If A man wants his wife to stay at home, and she agrees. They have three kids, and for the next 20 years, she raises those kids, manages the home, and supports his career. For whatever reason the marriage breaks down, and she files for divorce. Does she really deserve nothing after 20 years of unpaid labor just because she was the one who filed? That literally shows that you truly don’t support stay at wives y’all you claim to, and your support is entirely conditional.
If you really want don’t want to gamble the risk of alimony, the solution is pretty damn simple…….. marry a woman who works. Otherwise, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t demand a traditional wife and then cry about the legal system protecting the very choice you made.