Does anyone know a good “sugar” dealer in Eastmarch/Winterhold area?
Used to have a plug lived by the docks (I don’t want to out him so I’ll just call him Snorts-Many-Lines) lizard had some fire shit, I mean, you could tell his hookup got that real deal Torvalian glass grade type operation going on.
Two moons ago I found out from the town crier he got arrested by the Jarl’s men. Guess he OD’ed on bad skooma and crashed his chariot straight into some poor n’wah’s house on blacklight street in the grey quarter. Killed the wife instantly and worse, was hauling defective fire scrolls so the whole house went up in flames and now the dad and two kids are in ICU at the temple of kynareth in whiterun. He’s facing 10 to life.
If you’re interested just carve your sigil on the back of the signpost by candlehearth.