Pokémon Day Direct 2025 was....... a dumpster fire

(please be polite and civilized!!!!)

The Pokémon Direct today was a flaming bag of dog shit. Let's breakdown everything that was announced today, shall we?

Pokémon GO: Kubfu reveal & Black and White Kyurem events.

Pokémon Cafe remix: Flapple and Appletun reveal/ New menu item

Pokémon TCG Pocket: Triumphant Light (New deck)

Pokémon Masters EX: Champion Brendan w/ Shiny Primal Groudon, Champion May w/ Shiny Primal Kyogre and Champion Steven w/ Shiny Primal Rayquaza.

Pokémon UNITE: Suicune, Alolan Raichu, Suicune and Alcremie Reveals.

Pokémon Sleep: Darkari and Cresseila reveals.

Pokémon TCG is bring back Mega Evo cards.

Pokémon Championship is a new (shitty) game.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A will be released in "Late 2025" The starters are Chikorita, Tepig and Totodile. AZ is a main character and he will have his Eternal Flower Floette with him. It confirms that Z-A will be set AFTER the events of X & Y.

MMW: Z-A will be a fucking failure.

Today's Direct was an absolute shitshow with nothing to show for it. All it was just for its mobile games and didn't give Z-A the proper treatment is needed