My life is coming to an end

I'm a 26-year-old with a terminal diagnosis, and it feels like I have truly failed in life. Deep down, I know this isn’t something I did to myself, that these things just happen. But I feel terrible knowing that I am causing my parents and everyone around me so much pain. I want to stay strong for them so they don’t see that I am facing this with fear—because I am absolutely terrified.

I wish I had been able to do more in my life. I so badly wanted to have children, see more of the world, grow old with my partner, and experience many more beautiful moments with my brothers, sister, and parents.

When I was younger and lying in bed at night, I would sometimes be afraid of death. But then I would do a simple math calculation in my head, reassuring myself that, if all went well, I still had at least 60 more years to go. Never—never—did I expect this.

I know this forum is purely for sharing feelings, but I do have a question. I have already written handwritten letters for my family, my partner, and my friends. But does anyone have any other ideas for something I can leave behind, something that would give them beautiful memories of me?

Thank you.