34M, never have a girlfriend, and at this point I don’t know what to do anymore

I (34M) have never have a girlfriend ever. I was a castaway and was constantly bullied during middle school and high school, and had some really bad interactions with the females during that time. It ruined me my self esteem and confidence that I was socially awkward and pretty much afraid of interacting people, especially with the opposite sex.

This persisted for a long time until I was around 28yo that I decided it’s time to change. I started going to the gym, took care of my body weight, and learned to dress better (I have been neglecting my own body image due to mild depression and low self esteem). I’ve also been learning to socialize and be more outgoing, which helped a lot that I can now interact with people, especially females, normally.

But all these doesn’t help with my romantic life. I have been trying to get to see more people, via introduction by my friends, and dating app, which I managed to get some dates, but it’s either they are not interested, or I just don’t “feel” the spark after meeting a few times F2F, even if we talked a lot for some weeks during the texting phase. Outside of these scopes, even if I met a girl (say at work) that I feel is great, I just don’t know how to act on it and make advance towards a romantic relationship. The worst is, sometimes even if I know they are into me, I would just either be not “feeling” it, or couldn’t deal with the self-doubt (like “if we are really a good match?”, “am I good enough for this?”) that I just stalled and did not advance.

I feel like I am stuck, and at this point I just don’t what I can do to help myself out of this hole. It just feels like there’s something wrong with me, maybe the childhood trauma that still haunts me to this day, or maybe there’s something broken in my brain. I want to fix it, but I just don’t know how.