Bad vibes and unpleasantness (rant)

I just started a contract and so far it is horrid. I did my 2 day orientation and it wasn’t great. The preceptor was rude and condescending towards me and other nurses on the unit. My first shift off orientation and I had to call the doctor and realized that none of the phone lists have area codes listed for the phone numbers, so I asked the nurse sitting next to me. She ranted about how incompetent I am and told me it’s not her job to babysit. Then, I need to give blood and I can not find the tubing, so I ask someone. I got yelled at and called stupid. This nurse went on some rant about how I shouldn’t be allowed to travel if I don’t know the basics. I interrupted and let her know that I’ve been doing this for 7 years, I know the basics and if she doesn’t know where the tubing is she could just say so. The tubing was in the Pyxis?!? How the f$$$ would I know to look there if no one told me? Ugh… then end of shift came and I had to give report to one of the most unpleasant people I’ve ever had the displeasure of working with. Constantly interrupting my report with questions that would have been answered if she just shut up and listened, talking down to me in front of the patient, and just general rudeness. We get back the desk and I asked if I had done something to offend her because she was acting pretty hostile. She rolled her eyes and started talking shit about me IN FRONT OF me with the other nurse. It’s like the nurses on the unit are bothered by the presence of travelers but they are so horrible to each other that they can’t keep any new staff. I’m supposed to go back in tomorrow night and I am dreading it.