3-month checkup: Any advice on HRT regimen?

Hey, trans ladies with more experience than me! Just got my 3-month HRT lab results and going in for a doc visit next week. Wondering if I should ask for any med changes — it's still all very new to me!

Currently on 8mg Estradiol (oral) daily — monotherapy, no blockers or AA.

Testosterone levels:

  • Pre HRT: 680 ng/dL
  • Now: 48 ng/dL

Estradiol levels:

  • Pre HRT: 24 pg/mL
  • Now: 123 pg/mL

Things look good by the numbers, I think, but should I ask for any change-ups?

People have said injections 'work better' than pills. Not crazy about needles, but I'm sure I'd learn to be fine. Are there other advantages to delivery method?

Should I ask about progesterone for breast development? Feeling some soreness and signs of growth, not a TON of visibility, but it's only been 3 months. Pros/cons there?

What about Finasteride as a mild AA (hair is thinning a bit, but not terrible)?

It's an informed consent clinic; while the doctor is great, he tends to follow my lead, only nudging me away from things if they seem like actively bad ideas. Any advice welcome!