How soon before FFS consultations?

Hey, friends: After this week, I'm galvanized and going blazingly forward, all doubt evaporated. I've been on HRT for 3 months — very early in the timeline of facial fat redistribution and changes — but I don't want to waste more time.

I figure I'm still a year away from any FFS surgery as things stabilize. But I'd like to start looking for doctors, doing consultations, getting recommendations, setting expectations and estimating costs. That way, when I'm a year in, I'm not making a cold start.

Even though I'm 'only' 3 months in, will surgeons see me or shoo me away for another year? Or, since FFS surgery is cosmetically facial (cis men and women get nose jobs all the time) and not GCS, is the timeline less of a concern?

Any advice welcome!

(Edit: I’m in the US)