Name/ID change help


I've recently moved from Kelowna to Edmonton, and I had my name legally changed there. However, since I was born in Alberta, I did not get a new birth certificate when I did (which I was told I was going to by everyone I knew, but it was bc they were all BC born and residents oops).

Now since I need to change over all of my IDs to Alberta ones, I just really don't know where to start. A lot of places require a birth certificate, and a lot of places require you to forfeit IDs. I don't want to be without anything though! Also, my name is still my deadname at my bank, with my SIN card, and a few other things.

I've heard of skipping stone, and I'd love to make an appointment to discuss with them, but are they only in calagry? Can I do an appointment over the phone? Thanks for any help or advice!