Missing the Priceless Cuddles Every Day

In terms of career and finances, my life is reasonably stable right now, and I’m grateful. I love my job and find great satisfaction in contributing to the next generation. But when the sun inevitably sets after work, I come home to my empty house, and I’m forced yet again to confront the simple yet harrowing reality that I am a profoundly lonely 39M, single for the last 17 years after being heartbroken by someone I loved and trusted wholly, someone who to this day haunts me with the fear of suffering yet another traumatic heartbreak. As I've only had that one relationship in my life, I’ll be wondering if indeed there is any shred of truth to the common saying, “There’s a special someone out there for everyone.” People repeat this statement or some close variation without any apparent compunction, perhaps to provide some momentary encouragement or optimism, but I’m far from being convinced.

Then the dust settles, and I ache for what I miss most: the cuddles. I miss holding her and feeling the physical and emotional warmth of our embrace as we fall asleep. I miss being held by her as she rests her cheek on my chest. I miss holding her hand and the feel of her head resting on my shoulder as we talk, watch a movie, laugh, or listen to music. I miss waking up next to her, kissing her good morning on her warm forehead, and eagerly getting up to make her some breakfast in bed. I miss that feeling of loving and being loved by someone I physically embrace. Even after 17 years of solitude, those delectable memories permeate my mind.

I now hold a big soft pillow when I sleep to dampen my yearnings, but it goes without saying that it’s no substitute for having someone I love with whom I could cuddle at night. On some particularly dark nights, my poor pillow has the misfortune of being in the line of fire of my tears. And while it may seem very silly to some people that someone of my age could still be aching for love, cuddles, or hugs like the awkwardly timid schoolboy I once was a quarter century ago, it is nevertheless my sad unbudging reality. Every lady I’ve ever liked during these last 17 years was either uninterested or already taken, which I totally accept and respect but still find mildly discouraging.

I’m profoundly happy for my siblings, cousins, and friends, all of whom have already found their significant others and most of whom already are married and have 2-3 kids. But their schedules naturally and very understandably keep them very occupied; hence, I can only sporadically chat with them via text or social media instead of seeing them in person, even my bestie. Some now live in different states, even different countries. So even in terms of purely platonic physical touch, I have nothing beyond occasional handshakes, an arbitrary high five every few months, and a half-second social hug or two at a social gathering with colleagues once a year. But a longer hug from a friend, perhaps eight or more seconds, would sure be so nice. A platonic but personal touch. I can't remember the last time I had that...I daresay half a decade prior to COVID.

Only a couple weeks ago, the Southern CA fires in my area were within a fingernail of forcing me to evacuate my home of 28 years. And although seeing the growing fires approach me in the horizon at night northwest of my home was profusely disconcerting, I found myself questioning if much would actually be lost if the fires were to claim my home or even my life, considering how no one wants or needs my cuddles or my heart. No one seeks my eight-second hug. No one visits my empty home.

When I had love, the seemingly small things mattered most. They were meaningful. They were calming. They were comforting. They were delightful.

They were the cuddles, the ones for which I still long each night.