These two would've been such a cool couple/duo/whatever

I love these two together so much it's insane. I know we got the Trent and Gwen stuff, which was cool too, they're in my top 5 fs. But what COULDVE BEEN. If not as a couple, which is probably a good thing lol considering Gidgette still needs to be a thing, ATLEAST as friends. It's like they didn't even know eachother after island 💔

Like WDYM they had a moment and then never properly interacted (from my memory) again??

I love these two together so much it's insane. I know we got the Trent and Gwen stuff, which was cool too, they're in my top 5 fs. But what COULDVE BEEN. If not as a couple, which is probably a good thing lol considering Gidgette still needs to be a thing, ATLEAST as friends. It's like they didn't even know eachother after island 💔

Like WDYM they had a moment and then never properly interacted (from my memory) again??