Did ancient humans value consensual sex? Did they have any moral values?

Trigger warning: Rape

I recently watched Quest for Fire which takes place 80,000 years ago. In that movie, there's a scene where three men and a woman are sitting around a fire and one of the men forces himself upon the woman. She's screaming and trying to get away and it's very clear that she doesn't want this to happen, but the man doesn't stop. The other two men with him don't seem to have a problem with what he's doing, which seems strange to me. It made me wonder if prehistoric humans cared at all about having consensual sex. I know it's just a movie and it might not be accurate, but it could be. Were there no men who cared whether or not the woman they wanted to have sex with wanted to have sex with him? Or was it similar to how it is now where most men do care about consent and only a small percentage of men don't (at least I hope that's how it is now)? Was it somewhere in between?

On a similar note, when did humans invent morality? Did it start with the Neolithic Revolution when humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer nomadic societies to agricultural settlements? Were laws invented around the same time to enforce morality?