Little disappointed first IM session
Had my first IM treatment today and I’m a little disappointed.
I’m not sure if I was just very very nervous or anything but after getting injected it felt like my legs were very jittery for some reason. Almost like a imagining being inside a spaceship or a train going over rocks type of jittery. Or like a shaking after a hard workout type feeling (it’s very hard to describe) but it was hard to stop it since it felt automatic even though mentally I was just fine but eventually it did subside after a couple songs finished playing.
I definitely felt it a bit but didn’t really feel euphoric or heavily out of it. Just slightly calmer and saw 2D paperlike shapes of different red and blue gradients when I opened my eyes in my eyemask. Came to some small revelations about things in my life during it and after the session was over I felt slightly more energy and a hopeful mood but three hours later it went away and now I feel back to how I was before.
I thought the mood changing effect would be slightly higher or more drastic but in hindsight I’m just thinking the dose was maybe too low since I was given one shot of 20mg which is probably a lot but I also weigh 200lbs. Probably was such a low dose just because it was my first time but feeling a little disappointed and was wondering if anyone relates and if I should lower my expectations or has advice for my next session?