Boston Rob Broke This Group of Traitors
Down vote me to hell but it’s just how I feel.
After watching episode 9 and episode 10, I think we’re finally starting to see some of Danielle’s good strategy that she had in big brother. And don’t get me wrong I’ve enjoyed the drama but I also do like strategy and it was nice to see clear game talk in the turret between Brittney and Danielle ( I do not think she should have recruited her but that’s another point for another day).
They forced Boston rob on us, production. And then I believe all he did was cause this tumbleweed of distrust amongst the traitors the rest of the season. Then they all just cannibalized each other live in the open so now the faithful can recognize “traitor on traitor behavior” like easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Sure I don’t think Carolyn and Danielle would have ever been best friends but I think they could have had a working relationship but once that distrust match was lit it never went away.
I dont know how Thursday is gonna with this cliff hanger mess, but I really feel if there was never Boston rob we would have seen a different game from all of the traitors.