My Prediction for the Finale
I really do think that the Britney cliffhanger is a fakeout, and..
- Brintey votes for Ivar, which leads to a 2-2 deadlock.
- Ivar gets banished in the coin toss.
- Danielle/Britney vs. Dylan/Gabby with Dolores in the middle. D/G likely target Britney as it's obvious Dolores is never voting for Danielle.
- I think Dolores sides with D/B and they send probabaly Gabby? It doesn't really matter at that point though.
- The three girls banish whichever one of Dylan/Gabby remains.
- D/B banish Dolores
- Danielle and Britney win
For hypothetical sake, if Britney does vote for Danielle, or she goes in the coin toss, I think that Dolores/Ivar go at f5 and f4, and then either Britney wins or D/G banish Britney and they win (probabaly the latter)