PSA: Daily Logins
The daily logins are not bugged/busted/working improperly. Nor have they been since the update. How they work changed. Previously you needed to be playing the game for it to count, but now you need to actually login to the game for it to count (which is how it has always been worded anyway). And "day" is defined not by your personal time zone, but by UTC. This means you need to login sometime after the free gems become available, but before they are available again.
I see a lot of posts and comments complaining that it was "supposed to be fixed/patched." This is not true, nor was it intended to be. What they promised was that they would refund the missing days to players last event, not because it was broken, but because players did not understand how the mission worked now.
I do not know why they have it this way, but I suspect that it is something unavoidable due to the changes to logging in in general, and the online requirements thereof.
ETA: I love how I'm getting downvoted just for clarifying. Nobody has to like it, and being vocal about changing it back is certainly an option. My intent was to clarify against the constant barrage of posts and comments misunderstanding the communication from Tech Tree on this. Stuff like this is how we end up with misinformation in the first place.