Please give Fudds a break
Fudds introduces modules: Oh no, modules only cater to the whales!
Fudds introduces keys: Oh no, keys only cater to the whales!
Fudds introduces relics that are locked to the event boost but eventually will be rolled out to everyone: Oh no, those relics only cater to the whales!
Whales will always have an edge in this game (or any other game), they wouldn't be whales otherwise.
If you can't deal with that fact then you shouldn't be playing a mobile game of this kind.
Be happy that we have a great community here on discord and that Fudds (and perhaps the other devs) read a lot of what we post here. I've seen other games where the devs just don't give a damn. Fudds listens and actually answer some people even when they are bordering on toxic behaviour.
Fudds and the devs also need to put food on the table. I have no issues on throwing a few bucks at them now and again, I think they deserve it for a game that I have been running 24/7 for the last 2 years.
Think about it, the only thing you really HAVE TO buy (and you can skip that if you want too) is the No-Ad Pack. So that is like 10-15 bucks for a game that you can run 24/7 for as long as you like.
Like it or not, the whales and the dolphins are what keep this game afloat so that other people can play it F2P or near F2P.
This post might get downvoated to hell but I really needed to get it off my chest.
Fudds, if you read this, there are many here who appreciate all the time and effort you put into this game, never forget that.
I too have my reservations about changes to the game sometimes but in the long run you (and the devs) have made a great job of keeping this game fun for such a long time.