Lucy unintentionally set herself up to have the perfect experience to make_____.

Lucy unintentionally set herself up to have the perfect experience to make sergeant.

-She rode with Tim as his “go-for” for about a year, and continued to ride with him getting the sergeant experience.

-She took over command for the station when both Tim and Grey were in the hospital. And when Grey went to relieve her, he said the communications supervisor said she did a masterful job managing all the calls.

-Her experience with training Seth is another experience that will be huge when it comes to getting promoted.

-she already read the books when she made the audiobook for Tim.

(I’m probably missing more but this is all I could think of right now.)

I think Lucy has a really great chance of getting promoted to Sergeant when the time comes. I feel like some are confused about her change of heart and really enjoyed her doing UC work, but Lucy has thrived as a leader. I think her empathic, understanding dynamic will provide so much.

Excited for Sergeant Chen.