Will anyone else be disappointed if this isn’t a red herring?
The more I think about it, the more I'll be a bit underwhelmed if David (troubled teen) is the shooter at Pittfest and that isn't a red herring.
Not because it's too "expected" or because I don't think the character is capable of it in terms of the capacity for doing something terrible, but because, for a show that feels realistic and grounded in so many ways, it seems like a real stretch logistically?
I think someone like David could come up with a plan to attack a festival, but based off everything we know, if he did attack Pittfest it doesn't seem like it's something that he's planned (if his goal is to go after the girls on his list, trying to find a few of them at a giant festival feels super convoluted, for a start). And if it's something more impulsive, how would he even get into the festival? (Unless he has access to like a sniper or something, but again, I don't think that lines up for what we know of his character and living/financial situation...)
I think the theory that the shooting will be drug/gang related feels much more plausible, and although it hasn't been anticipated directly the way David being the shooter has, it's more resonant with the main underlying themes of the show. There have been so many different cases exploring so many different ways drugs can ruin your life, and I feel it makes more sense for the shooting to also expand on that subject in a way that David being the shooter just wouldn't.
Curious to hear what everyone else thinks, though!