Anyone Else Lose Interest?

I'll start by saying that I was in my twenties when the show came out and I LOVED it! Bridget was/is my favorite, but I respect all three of the girls. I was incredibly excited about the pod and did a rewatch along side of the pod episodes. Now that I'm in my 40's (matured and see the show through a much different lense), I was excited to hear the girls talk about their experiences now that they're older too. I also enjoyed the interviews. A couple months ago, I just became uninterested and bored with the pod; I wish that wasn't the case. Just a lot of the same back and forth and diminishing chemistry between B and H. Is this just me, or are you feeling the way too? Maybe things have picked back up since I've taken a break from the pod? Anyway, I wish the best for each of the girls; after giving so much of themselves to Hef and Playboy, they deserve it! 🩷