Favorite guest on the podcast so far?
Hi guys! I really loved Sara's interview and have been relistening to some older ones. Tbh I usually prefer the episode recaps and find it frustrating when part 1 of an episode has been posted and then we're hit with an interview lol but I'm really enjoying going back through them rn. I think the one with Bryant the butler was the most entertaining-- he's such a good storyteller and the conversation between the 3 felt really natural. Marston's is the most compelling to me. The way he talks about his dad and kind of asks the girls for reassurance whenever he makes a comment about him, implying he really didn't know his father at all, is just so interesting. Would be curious to know if anyone has any favorite guest episodes and why! Do you prefer hearing from playmates, people involved in mansion life, skip the interviews entirely lol, etc etc