Confession: I can't watch some of these shows...
because of the styling.
I realized this specifically with Boy Next World. (Also like, if you are going to promote it as a parallel universe drama, don't pull the rug out from under people, please.) But yeah, I just can't be bothered with this show. I have been reading posts and 'catching up' because I couldn't even start the show. The styling for both the characters is so generic and boring I can't even click on the episode, it's a huge turn off. And maybe there is a reason, idk, coz the show never grabbed my attention enough that I would watch.
And like we know Boss and Noeul look good in striking styles, especially hair styles.
Also, overall Boss looks a bit okay but Noeul looks so boring and 'feature-less' in this show. A lot of Rain's personality comes through in his styling from the hair to his clothes. All I see in BNW is simple black hair and white shirts, just a blank canvas.
Like I don't think I would ever be interested in actually watching this show at this point.
Guys, I already said I didn't watch the show. That is literally what the post is about. I'm only absorbing things from posts. And I'm reading about how it was all in Boss' head and his mom is evil. Admittedly I was wrong but I think I'm allowed since I haven't watched the show.
Also this isn't a big essay, gotcha moment. I'm just saying how I feel. It's not that serious.
For me, it is about the 'downgrade' in terms of eye-catching aesthetics because in LITA (and in photoshoots, events and in Wedding Plan) they looked very striking with their fashion and their hair, which they don't in this. Which makes the show unappealing to me. TO ME. I'm not talking about how you feel. I'm talking about me. Like I don't get why so many of you are 'mad'.
Like this was literally not a hate post, it was just an observation but you all are treating it as if I'm a supervillain trying to ruin a show for you. Like why?