Why fans say actors are uncomfortable with patner?
I have seen this alot. Fans always start hating on a particular actor because of the idea that they feel uncomfortable with their onscreen partner. Like can we not forget that these people are humans too and go thru something? I have seen this with Chimon, Phuwin, Prem, Gemini and now Mark Ji from perfect 10 liners.
Chimon was suffering from depression and still struggling to please the fans. Only for them to call him out and say he is uncomfortable with Perth and doesn't like bl again or that he does not have chemistry with Perth when we fans are one of the reasons he was depressed in the first place.
Phuwin during We are era recieved alot of hate because apparently he started looking like he was uncomfortable with Pond. Guys Phuwin was shooting 2 series at the same time and struggling to graduate yet he still put effort for his fans. Just thinking of waking up to go school is already depressing for me as it is imagine being Phuwin.
Prem is just an introvert and the only person he is more comfortable with it Boun. Since he joined Gmmtv you can really see how quiet and introvert he is but still tries his best as much as possible to relate with others. How can you guys even say he looks uncomfortable with Boun?😭.
Gemini's mother has said it many times that her son is not one to show his emotions or even do any kind of skinship. She said her son does not even hug her and in one of her lives on tiktok she said she has never seen Gemini like the way he is with Fourth. That he looks so free and so happy that's why she always roots for them to be couple cuz she said Fourth changed her son. Its just the way Gemini is and I feel like even his actor image will not change that. And if his mom can say this about him then our opinions need to rest.
People are already hating on Mark Ji?? He just has a resting face and is even more introverted than Prem to me. I know he did not just start acting today but why are we noticing this all of a sudden? These actors are humans like us. You cannot handle a bad day just imagine them who have more bad days but have to stay happy for the fans. They do alot for us more that we actually give them credit for. Actors are humans tooo