Looking for BL Beach Scenes
I want to write a paper and possibly my thesis on beach scenes in BL dramas and how the beach is used as a space of queer freedom. For this reason, I am looking for BLs with beach scenes in them, no matter if they are Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean or Thai. What is important is that the scene has to be on the beach (obv) and there has to be some kind of queerness in the scenes (a kiss, a confession, really any kind of action that can be labelled queer)
Right now I have the following list of BLs that fit my criteria:
- Never let me go
- Itsay
- Stay with me
- Until we meet again
- Bad Buddy
- Blueming
- Moonlight Chicken
- The Eclipse
- The eighth Sense
- My School President
Highly Apreciated if u could share Dramas not listed here and maybe a short description of the Scene.
Thanks for your help!