Test E 600mg & deca 300mg
Hi, Second cycle. First cycle was test E 500mg for 16 weeks. Cruised on test E 250mg for 16 weeks and now I am 4 weeks into my test E & deca cycle. Gains great, strength great , diet on point , feel great & libido has been great … UNTIL NOW. So I’m 4 weeks into me test E 600mg & deca 300mg and my dick don’t want to work. Didn’t think this would be a problem on 300mg. I was original only going to run the deca for 8 weeks with the test and finish off the last 8 weeks on 600mg test E only. Because of my dick not working I'm not sure if I should stop the deca now and continue the test or carry on for another 4 weeks like planned, with the hope things will fire back up down there once I'm on test only. Has anyone had this issue before or can give some advise on what to do from here? Thank you.