SR+ VIN Recieved

Ordered 10/02, blue, black, sport, no FSD, Arizona


October - Apr/May October - 2 Mar/3 Apr November - 21 Dec/26 Dec December - 25 Dec/31 Dec January - 19 Jan/23 Feb January - 26 Jan/28 Feb January - 2 Feb/3 Mar February - 6 Feb/3 Mar February - 2 Apr/3 May February - 23 Feb/24 Mar February - 9 Mar/31 Mar February - DD 2 Mar at 1000

As you can see it was a wild ride. There have been many days where I was stressing out wondering what was going on and why there were so many changes. Reading these forums and seeing all the long ranges and performances get delivered didn't help either. All I can say is hang in there. I know my ride may not be over cuz I don't have the car in my hands yet. But finally got over that first hurdle and finally got me a VIN. Hopefully this gives some of the other guys who are waiting on their rear wheel drives. Some hope that there is is on its way.


Don't know if it's Ryzen or the new lithium ion battery yet. But I'll edit my post later because my delivery is only in a couple days.