My boyfriend’s stalker: from pick me to full- blown school mene page creator.

Alright, so there's this girl (16F) at my school, she's in 11th grade right now. I'm (17F) and currently taking my board exams.

This girl has a crush on my boyfriend, which is painfully obvious and everyone knows about it. She's not a friend of mine, or anything, but she's friends with people in my boyfriend's group. And now, it's becoming incredibly annoying because she acts so clingy, even after my boyfriend has told her countless times to stay away from him. I just pity her, honestly. Where is her self-respect?

We had our annual function last year, and we were playing "Never Have I Ever." There was this question about whether we were virgins or not. Literally, no one raised their hand except her, and she proceeded to tell everyone that she lost her virginity when she was 13 to a 30-year-old man. Like, what in the actual world? And if that wasn't enough, she literally created a school meme page. Then, she proceeds to make these random reels implying my boyfriend secretly likes her, and posts blatant lies on her stories about how he actually likes her. 😭 Like, the audacity! And then, when everyone inevitably found out she was the one behind the account, she immediately switched gears and started playing the victim card. Seriously?

Edit: few months ago she called my bf at like 2am and started crying my boyfriend freaked out cuz obviously some random person is calling you at 2am just to bowl their eyes out.