I refused to teach until a student is removed

I told my principal that I refuse to teach my 4th period class until a student is removed.

Everyday this student is horrible, disrespectful and derails the entire class. Today was the breaking point for me. I called an administrator into my classroom to cover for me because I felt like I was going to cry or completely snap.

I walked to the principals office and told them, I cant do it, i cant teach with (students name) in my room. For a month they were gone (mom wanted to switch schools because she was tired of teachers calling to complain about her son). That class was completely different and incredible with him gone. Hes back and it its right back to the shit show it was.

I told them I refuse to teach with them in the room, that i will send them out. I said if thats a problem they could wright me up or fire me but will not continue to have a child verbally abuse me with zero consequences.

A different student has over 57 referrals and has spent so many days in ISS but nothing happens im so sick of these children. I had a student tell me her “mama was gonna come up her and beat the fucking shit out of me” she only got 2 days of ISS ONLY during my class! Oh and my did she say this lovely comment to me? Because I asked her to have a seat and stop slamming a ruler on the desk.

I really dont care if they fire me for this. Im over it.