Original Roswell level almost made me quit THPS
I was 8 or 9 when I got my first Playstation and THPS was the game that came with it. I was having a good time...
...until I got to the Roswell level.
The good times immediately stopped when I went inside the alien section of the level. The sight and blood-curdling scream it let out made me turn off the system so quick and I didn't touch the game for a few weeks.
Ever since, Roswell was my least favorite level.
When I unlocked it in THPS3, I never touched it...like at all.
If it wasn't for the launch trailer I probably wouldn't touch it in THPS 1+2. Yes, it scarred me THAT bad.
I remember hearing that the alien have multiple voicelines in the original THPS. But I didn't have the heart to check it out.