12 DPO and another negative test

Here I am, 12 DPO and another negative test. AF is due on Sunday, I always tell myself I won't test until my expected period date but that never happens. I'm just wasting tests and making myself sad at this point. I know you're not out until AF arrives but at 12DPO with a negative its hard to stay hopeful. Just a few more cycles left for the 2025 baby we wete hoping for... I really thought this would happen right away. Good luck to everyone currently in the TWW 💖

Here I am, 12 DPO and another negative test. AF is due on Sunday, I always tell myself I won't test until my expected period date but that never happens. I'm just wasting tests and making myself sad at this point. I know you're not out until AF arrives but at 12DPO with a negative its hard to stay hopeful. Just a few more cycles left for the 2025 baby we wete hoping for... I really thought this would happen right away. Good luck to everyone currently in the TWW 💖