Syrians. Be aware!

I am a brother who has been watching what happening in Syria very closely and god knows how much I love you guys.

Please be aware of what happening around you. Nothing is as rosy as it seems at the moment. The agreement between aljoulany and Kasd will never work. Put your feelings aside and wake up to the facts. Liberals and Sunni never agree. Turkey is merely interested in their own agenda which is kicking Kasd ass, and Israel is taking whatever they can. Unfortunately you guys have to lean on the Eastern camp for now as the USA and Israel and doing everything they can to split Syria and destroy it from the inside. It's no secret. Trump and Netanyahu said so.. they admitted that they are working on splitting Syria as its more secure towards Israel. Same for the Drouz.. they are the scum of humanity literally allying with Israel directly against your people. As much as peace sounds nice, but sometimes war means peace... just like you fought bashar. I wish you all the best and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.. use your brain and do your research and put your heart aside!!