50 and 100m breast preparation
Hello there ! Im a 26y.o master swimmer, after 10years away from competing (and swimming seriously) I started to swim competitively again this year.
I'm looking for some advices to drop my time on my 50 and 100m breast. I'm currently swimming sub 32sec for the 50m breast and 1'11 for the 100m breast (shortcourse), and i'd like to swim around 30" and 1"08 in longcourse.
Do you think it's honnestly doable in 6 months ?
I think the biggest thing I could work on is my muscle mass, i'm only 79kg for 1m90 (174lbs for 6"2). I plan on hitting the gym, how many times should I work out per week while I plan to swim 4-5 times a week. Knowing that my in water training is very non-specific to breast and sprint ( lot of long distance swimmers in my team), should I favor gym over swimming at this point ?
Last point, since i'm clueless about the gym, could you tell me what are the main exercices I should focus on during those 6months ?
Also if you have any other tips, don't hesitate !