ideas to make R heal more viable?

heya, so...i know his core healing comes from his passive (aka his E pull and his W), but his R healing feels kinda weak in teamfights and makes it feel like its not even healing anything at all, even with the max 3 enemies around.

Objectively, i like to be the tankier teamfight based kind of swain who uses his healing to be tanky, ghosting around and draining everyone with my R, basically being a mage bruiser, but his R healing feels pretty weak no matter what build i try and i cant survive long enough in the teamfight for his R to be truly effective.

anyone have any ideas as to how to make his R healing heal more/have a more effective heal to make myself more beefier(kinda like how mundos R does sorta) or is it just the fact of no matter what you build, swains R healing just isnt gonna do anything to be effective "tanky healing" compared to his passive? cuz it seems even if i build whatever is meta, or go all items/runes focusing on healing(unending despair for example) i cant make the heal effective enough and i just get melted.

just looking for ways to make his R healing more effective if possible to stay in the teamfight longer to be that frontline bruiser-esque.