Help with creatine insomnia?

For the past 2 weeks I’ve been taking 5g of Creatine HCL every morning per my rheumatologist’s order (I have very low muscle tone and a connective tissue disorder so the goal is to put on 5-10lbs of muscle mass to help the pain).

Thus far it’s kind of been a miracle, the creatine has completely zapped my brain fog and exhaustion associated with my various conditions without the anxiety side-effect that caffeine gives me. I do feel stronger too (I know at this point, any weight gain is probably just water retention).

So I really don’t wanna give it up.

However- the sleep, oh god, the sleep. I go to bed just fine but routinely wake up around 3-5AM. If it’s a weekend, I can fall back asleep for a bit around 6 but if it’s a workday I’m just SOL. I don’t feel anxious, stressed, or anything with my mental state. Just feels like falling asleep is….blocked somehow. So I’ve been running on 5-6 hours of sleep. I actually feel pretty fine during the day (because creatine) but obviously that’s not enough.

I really don’t want to give it up, not even because gains or whatever, because frankly I haven’t had much. It’s just been kind of a miracle tool for my energy, mental state, and chronic pain.

Did any creatine-takers find a solution with a different supplement or habit?