By a show of hands, how many of us are painstakingly writing our own lyrics from the heart?
I know you’re out there. Scratching thoughts out on diner napkins and phone notes… in dream journals and legal notepads. We all have our favorite medium for getting our thoughts out.
I’ve used Suno’s lyrics, I’ve used the Line by Line editor, I’ve used other AIs (you name it, I’ve tried it: ChatGPT, Claude, Grok, DeepSeek, Gemini, CoPilot, etc., etc….).
My best songs seem to be from 100% human lyrics though. Not sure if it’s anecdotal, but it’s subjectively true for my own stuff.
Just curious how many are anti-AI lyrics at this point (I’m not, just to clarify).
EDIT: Holy crap, you guys! There are a ton of us here! Perhaps I could make a Lyric Writing Discord, as a place for bouncing ideas off one another, sharing our lyrics, co-writing, proofreading, etc? Anyone interested, shoot me a DM.