I just want to end everything

Life is hard man.. I’m 23 and have a high paying job in my country. I have a wife and son. I love them very much but i don’t think i can endure this pain anymore. We had so much plan on our future. But i just got scammed by my friend 5k$ it was our savings and loaned 10k$ from my friends. Loan isn’t possible have to find it before monday. If only i had 1 or 2 months. And yes my parents can help me. But they’ll think i’m an gambling addict. Now i think should i tell my parents or should i just take my own life and leave everything to my wife and son. I searched everywhere Fentanyl but i guess it’s not in my country. Please don’t tell me i’m weak in mind. I already know that. My sister abused me mentally and verbally for my entire life. They never take me seriously in anything. My bestshots at dying painless are sleeping pills, jump from 15th floor, painkillers or rat poison. Which one should i take or do? I think only my parents or sister will find me. My wife and son at their parents.