I want her to suffer

I miss my brother so much and it hurts so deeply every time I think about him. I can't help but blame his mistress for everything that’s happened. If she hadn’t gotten involved with him I believe none of this would have gone so wrong. My brother’s wife wouldn’t have left him, and their family wouldn’t have fallen apart. I just can’t take the feeling that if she had listened to all of us if she had stopped when we told her to, none of this would’ve happened. I knew from the start that my brother and his wife had problems, but it only got worse once she came into the picture.

My brother who once took care of his kids and supported his family stopped doing all of that just to give money to her. And it kills me to saw her post about how she made him her “sugar daddy” while he’s neglecting his own family. I don’t know if I’m wrong for wanting her to feel the pain we’re going through, but right now it feels like she’s the cause of everything. I want her to suffer to feel the emptiness and grief that we’re living with every day. It’s hard to see her so happy and living her life when we are still mourning and trying to pick up the pieces.

I know she’s not the only reason this happened but she played such a big part in it. I just want justice for my brother for the life he had before everything fell apart. And I know it sounds harsh, but I want her to feel the consequences of what she’s done. It feels like she’s gotten away with everything while we’re left to pick up the broken pieces of our family. She’s even threatened to harm herself, which makes me feel guilty for even thinking like this. But my heart is breaking and I don’t know how much more grief I can take. All I want is for her to understand the pain she’s caused us. Am I bad for thinking like this? Should I not blame her? Should I just move on forget about her and like everyone is saying to me " FORGAVE " her? I dont think I can do that and I want to feel this feeling because its the only way I can feel and show my love for my brother.