What I wish everyone here would do in 2025 ...

I wish everyone would look out for help.

I'm saying this as someone who waited 4 years to try a support group. My dad committed suicide in 2020; I remember back then that I just wanted time to pass by in order to feel better.

I then met someone who lost her mom and told me how it took her 10 years to make peace with it. It hit me hard: could I feel like that for 10 freaking years?

I read a lot, got a lot better over time, but never talked about it. I realized that I was stuck in "lot better" but not "healed".

I then stumbled upon a kiosk where I learned there were support groups in my town. I started to attend, it was so so so helpful to me.

Now, I am entering my first holidays in 4 years in peace. I can genuinely say that I made my grief. I can talk about him with a smile; for the first time in the past month, I have cried him only because I missed him. I am not angry at him anymore. I do not feel shame, I do not question his action anymore. I have no guilt, barely any questionnings anymore either.

Grief is one hell of a thing that often time heals. I don't think it's the case with suicide grief. I think one really needs to take the steps necessary to be able to fully get out of the tunnel; it might be a support group or personnal therapy, but you need to do something about it other than just waiting for time to pass. I wish I understood this earlier!

I wish you all peace for 2025 and I beg you to take the necessary steps to heal from this <3