(Slightly Old) A post is made to r/GTA about a poorly aged comment by Rockstar. r/GTA instead debates politics on if the left or the right, find GTA more offensive

The post

The comment that started it all

Highlights: The comment that started the first argument

the right will think it's too woke, the left will think it's too extreme, therefore GTA 6 will fall right in the middle. perfectly balanced as all things should be

Argument 1:

The left aren't enraged mothers who yell at M rated videogames their child is playing

You forget the face of anti video games was Bill Clinton and Hillary during the 90s? Or Jack Thompson a democrat as well?

Every Republican mother and Christian I knew were anti video games. GTA and Harry Potter were the devil.

Yea like the one you met on Google 🤣. Literally grew up in a republican Christian area all the homies were on GTA

Argument 2:

They don’t have kids so no, they aren’t. They like to yell at people they don’t agree with and cry like kids though. Violence is ok (except against women of course), but funny jokes aren’t because we can’t offend a grown adult and hurt their feelings in a 18+ game. That’s the left. The over-bearing childless mother that wants to run your life and not let you have fun. Human life isn’t scared (carbon-based lifeforms) so heinous acts portray don’t matter, and everyone is just a list of characteristics— some of which bestowing supposed inherent moral superiority and are viewed more positively compared to others.

Socialist here, I like jokes. Gtas satire of America is really well done. The censorship you mentioned is just not letting 12 year olds without a brain yell slurs at other players cause that isn’t funny

Again, 18+ game…. 12 year olds shouldn’t be playing it in the first place (I don’t really believe that, but for argument sake) Multiplayer code of conduct is an entirely different conversation— sure, whatever. Slurs can be funny though. Socialist. Eww.

How come you have a distaste for socialism (or presumably other leftist ideologies)? Not trying to start some sort of argument, genuinely curious.

Historical atrocities and current day case-studies of failed states is the reason for my distaste. The various incarnations as bureaucratic bodies like the EU and think tanks operating beyond borders that impose on the lives of many, restricting social mobility and demoralising in the process. Then you have all the psyops like climate lockdowns or some other designated crisis serving as functional lynchpins for socialistic enterprises to keep the target host population (something akin to a parasitic relationship as mental/physical/emotional investment is needed for sustenance) in a lower state of consciousness—emotional/fearful—and tapping into ancient circuitry for the purpose of achieving qualities of cognitive dissonance, magical thinking (like with the woke mind virus) , suspended locus of control and elicit tribalistic behaviour you’d typically see in a zoo as expenditure of energy is the diving currency for domination. Socialism always leads to tyranny, atomisation (thus division), stagnation and abject misery for those deemed undesirable— because there’s always straw men involved given how characteristically fragile these types of power vacuums are. The abstract being my general disquiet for any social construct overriding personal sovereignty that parallels with religious doctrine. Inherently dangerous. Socialism is a tool, a weapon, that breaches the door to the soul. The altar of man. I agree with some classical liberal stances on things… even with the alphabet people, there is empathy and a certain understanding there for me, but I believe the pride movement was hijacked by bad actors and weaponised.

Argument 3ai (Extremely long):

No that's exactly who the left are

Liberals aren't leftists

I didn't mention liberals

Then what leftists are you talking about? Because actual communists don't give two shits about that kind of thing, only liberals do.

Actual communists 😂 what is that supposed to mean? If you want to meet an actual communist meet the owners of coal powerplants in my country , thats what an actual communist looks like that benefited from a socialist system

People who actually read communist theory. We're not a goddamn fairy tale XD

Communist theory is a fairytale.

And capitalism actively slaughters and genocides people. If you'd rather enable that than hope for a world without fascism, you do you.

Argument 3aii:

The right want slaves again, we'll be lucky if GTA6 releases before Holocaust 2025

Thats the craziest take I've heard this year , are you schizophrenic? It's not good to live your life in fear , especially when it's made up bullshiz.

You're a sheep with the wool over your eyes blindly following the wolf.

This is literally what the right says about you guys lmao. Broken clocks, I guess.

The right believe horse worm paste is a miracle cure, Jan 6 was a peaceful protest, or it was antifa, or it was the feds, and that people are eating cats and dogs in Ohio.

The left believed there would be concentration camps in 2016-2020 and now again in 2025. The left believe racism towards white people isn’t racism, the left believe in the gender pay-gap, the left believe in Russia collusion and that the 2016 & 2024 elections were rigged. Same shit different horse.

Argument 4a:

Ah yes, the notably militant left wing. Violently asking for people to have equal rights and living wages and healthcare.

We going to pretend communist ideologies and fucked up people on the left dont exist? Peak reddit comment

They exist, but the far right is known for being hateful and violent. The far left is known for being offended easily. Which is worse?

The far-left are known for rioting and burning down cities. Pretty darn equal to the far-right.

Really? Destruction of property is equal to the destruction of life?

Ah yes any side beside the one you support are immoral and dont want any quality in life

Well, one political party is actively removing all diversity hires in the gov, along with creating tariffs for literally no reason... There's a lot more I could say. One side is immoral and is actively trying to hurt our quality of life

Argument 4b:

didn't blm burn down entire cities?

Too much propaganda bro what cities burned down

around 170 buildings burned down in Minneapolis

Ah, so entire cities weren't burned down. Not to mention it wasn't by "BLM". BLM didn't give some wacky order to go burn down Minneapolis lol. Be serious for once.

Argument 4ci:

Dude... I've yet to experience such hate from anyone as I did from left leaning people. I've met nationalists, patriots, socialists, self-declated commies and anarchists. Damn, even royalists. Maybe in other terms: I have yet to meet a right winger who'd justify burning someone's living to the ground or giving them HIV by using infected blood (yes, I've heard that directly from 3 people and sadly - they are capable of such sh..t). So, in that very case, I wouldn't be surprised if GTA has been affected by the fear of retaliation. Remember, that the newest version does not have the "Cubans" and "Haitians" (despite it being a real beef) but instead has just some "gangs"? That was just the result of a handful of protestors down in NYC. Imagine what would happen if they deem GTA content too offensive? I don't doubt right wingers could rise hell if they wanted to but it's not as common

Right wingers raided the capitol lol

Blm burned several Police stations, stores, schools, established a "peoples Republic of seattle" and killed around 25 people

far Right lunatics have also shot up mosques, grocery stores, and schools. A right winger led the holocaust ffs

He’s talking about things happening in the US and you bring up Hitler, insane cope

Who advocates for destruction of israel right now? Who says terrorist hamas are freedom fighters? Compare terrorist acts commited by muslims (leftists usually support muslims for some odd reason) compared to "right wing terrorism" in the last 20 years. I can name only breivik and that mosque shooting in new zealand, perhaps there was more. Hitler was a National socialist. I dont know many of politically motivated grocery store and school shootings. Only thing i remember is a trans person shooting up a school and their motto was "i hate rich White kids"

Reply to Hamas comment

Argument 4cii:

Do black lives matter?

All lives matter

But do black lives matter?

Black includes into all. This isnt rocket science dude

I have never once heard someone who says "all lives matter" mean it, they use it as a screen to not agree that lives actually matter

Jesus christ.. All lives matter means all lives matter.. you saying that is reminding me of everyone concluding that elon was nazi-saluting the other day.. twisted perception to see the world so twistedly. It's.. twisted.

Elon Nazi saluted 3 times, and now conservatives are doing it on Twitter. You wanna talk about twisting reality, Elon supports Nazi groups, him heiling is the more obvious thing than "he has Asperger's" or "he was throwing his heart". Pick a narrative you Nazi fucks.

You can say "all lives matter" all you want, but the right have turned that into a way to avoid saying that lives actually matter. Black lives matter, Mexican lives matter, Jewish lives matter.

All lives matter includes all of that

But the people who say "all lives matter" refuse to say that black lives or Mexican lives matter, they only say "all lives" and that means bupkiss anymore because of the bigots.

Bruh you just see things how u wanna see them i guess

I saw a person on Twitter who had posted about wanting black people to die later argue that all lives matter.

Argument 4d (The final argument in this fuckin' mess of a thread):

Because the left has been so peaceful. Just ignore the 2020 riots, the Pro-Palestinian fire bombings of Synagogue in Sydney, Australia and the countless other things.

First of all, I obviously meant the American left since GTA is set in America and would aim pretty much all of its commentary there. In America, there is no comparison between the extreme left and extreme right. The latter are traitors, domestic terrorists, and Nazis. Secondly, 179 days ago you defended Donald Trump by saying “he doesn’t support Project 2025”, and in the 3 days he’s been president he’s done countless things from that agenda like it’s his playbook (or rather, his puppet masters’ playbook) like we all knew he would. Add to that all the other stupid political comments you’ve made over the years seen in just a few minutes of skimming your profile, and maybe you’re just so fucking dumb and out of your depth that you should never insert yourself into political conversations?

You know what, I was about to post a respone. But considering your one of those people who will look through a persons profile to check for wrongthink. I'm not even gonna bother. Also yes the American left has been violent. Get out of your echo chamber.

Oh no, someone looking through the words that i have said and judging me for them! How could they!

Oh no! My own words are held against me! OH THE HUMANITY!

Look through my profile as well since you don't have anything better to do during your day