"There is no game stacked against brown people." Some users on r/ProfessorMemeology try to argue that people on the left are the real racists

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProfessorMemeology/comments/1jbkixj/they_hate_non_conformity

Context: r/ProfessorMemeology is a right-wing "meme" subreddit


Yes, it's the democrats who are racist, not the republicans who use DEI as the new n word.

Do you not know US history? Republicans voted to end slavery

So why are they in flavour of it in 2025?

You guys are the ones who want to keep illegal immigrants here to pick up your crops and fruits for less than federal minimum wage.

Refugees. Who’s paying them cheap labour insensitivevizing them? Who is paying them those wages? MesoAMERICAN trade routes have been existing for centuries before European “settlers” came to this land, so who are the actual “immigrants”? Also who are you talking to “you guys”? Tf. Apparently it’s okay for rich old money, grand-fathered-in demagogues to be above the law, but not poor LABOURING displaced individuals who are looking for the TRUTHFUL AMERICAN dream.

What if they’re liberal? You gonna make fun of everyone equally?

It depends, do they have dumb shit opinions like most of MAGA or do they have a god damn lick of common sense?

Modern liberals in America absolutely lack common sense.

Dude trump told his followers windmills are bird graveyards and babies are getting aborted after birth. Maga are the same people that believe in ghosts and give money to mega churches and don't trust doctors.

Dude what does that have to do with the fact that modern liberals in America absolutely lack common sense?

It has to do with the fact that they still have more common sense that maga because they don't do stupid shit like believing in ghosts and give money to mega churches and don't trust doctors.

Sure. I was roasting Chuck Schumer earlier today for being spineless and abandoning his principles for Trump and Elon. So, yes, I will be happy to call out liberals who act illiberally.

And what is a “liberal”?

And what is a "woman"?

They are the ones who cover their drinks when you are around. Why? You thinking about getting back out there after the divorce?

image Hey everybody, it’s a retard (or billionaire)!

"B-b-but were are owning the libs. Why does everyone hate us?" -every member of the Trump admin right now

People are actually rather satisfied with the current administration, unlike the previous “administration.”

They're razing our forest for the profit of corporations. Trying to stifle free speech. Bypass entire branches of government. Push our allies away while completely obliterating the trust that we held with them for over a century. Emboldening racism by eliminating the teachings of its history. This only serves to hurt the average American. You won't see a damn dime of any "profits" generated. They don't care about you. In fact, they hate you. They'll steal what's yours with a smile on their faces. They'll throw away your rights for a buck. To support them while knowing all of this, one would have to be a moron or an ignoramus. People need to wake up before it's too late.​

Stifle free speech? I could say the same about the previous administration. Case in point: Facebook. Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden administration urged him to suppress negative things about them. And how exactly is Trump emboldening racism?

Conversely, the Trump administration is threatening to revoke green cards and deport people for exercising their first amendment right if they deem it "supporting terrorists". But sure, that's the same as Biden asking Zuckerberg to do a thing and the Zuckerberg deciding of his own free will to do the thing.

Green card holders do not have Amendment rights. That is a lie. It is only held by citizens. It is also a law if you are supporting terrorism you will be deported.

DEI is literally racist. Lol

Which policy is “literally racist lol”?

Uh hiring someone based on race instead of merit. You know. The big one.

For the last time, DEIA does not involve race hiring quotas. Holy shit

It does. But ok.

Maga propaganda is really rotting american brains.

Yeah maybe… one group doesn’t want racism in hiring, the other group wants to mutilate children’s genitalia, but yeah MAGA propaganda is the problem

Hiring based on race is racist.

Not when the game is stacked against them.

There is no game stacked against brown people.

That seems very short of you. Brown people. Huh yeah that's not racist.

You know what you want to say. Just say it. Im not racist because I used a color to describe people. You're not anti racist because you refuse to use color to describe people lol.

Ok what do I want to say? Referring to a group of different ethnicities as a color shows a huge amount of ignorance and shows just how small of a person you are.

Thats literally not what DEI is unless you're a #MoronsAgainstaGreaterAmerica

Explain how taking race into account in hiring isn't hiring based on race.

Cause it doesn't mean a race gets the job it allows jobs to be open to races and genders, not just ppls buddies.

I quite literally know people who have been denied promotions because they were white and the company openly hired someone with no experience based on diversity instead. You can’t just plug your ears and yell lalalalalala, that’s happening regularly around corporate America.

I'm gonna say it again, louder this time. THATS NOT FUCKING DEI

Okay, whatever you say.

Conservative opinion on what?

Welfare and food stamps in particular. The idea that a black person could be against those things absolutely infuriates them.

"The idea that a person could be against those things absolutely infuriates them" Fixed that for ya

Did you, kid?


I mean it’s not my job to convince them to not vote for the party that wants to put them back in chains. Black Trump voters are finding out now how stupid they are

this bro doesnt understand slavery was started by democrats, (look it up) the confederate states were the democrats (even when asked give up slavery to join america they said fuck no, and gave up their land north of the mason-dixon line texas specifaclly) The kkk was also started by 2 democrats, up until 1865 democrats openly supported slavery, the only reason they stopped is because the lost, most of them taught there kids to support it, white the repulicans tod their kids they fought for the freedom of the blacks so there kids should too.

Voter demographics switched following brown b board. But are u saying you’re against organizations that have an old history of racism? If so then let’s go, out your money where your mouth is.

no, im saying accusing a party of racism when you very clearly have a history of racism (this isnt an organiztion with an old history this is a party that FOUGHT for this not just accepted it) is hypocritical. OUT!

So you’re saying that racism ISN’T part of its old history? Sorry I found that part confusing. Bc to me it’s quite obvious that the party has an old history and its legacy is in racism. But it’s also not the only one Does an organization’s origins in racism prove that it’s currently racist? And to what degree? I’m not a party loyalist I just want ppl to follow their thoughts thru to a conclusion… a “then what”

Can you show me an example of this meme in real life?

Go to any twitter thread, when people other than white have conservative view and you will see leftist showing their true color

That's not an example. Can you give a link to a specific twitter post?

This is the comment you latch onto? Not the first one about Larry Elder?

I'm talking about an example of Dems being racist to a black conservative for disagreeing with them. I know black conservatives exist lol.

They tried calling Larry elder a white supremacists. It's exactly what you're asking for

I'm asking for an example of dems being racist towards him, not dems accusing him of being racist.

Search Clarance Thomas Reddit. Three simple words.

Did it. Couldn't find these apparent racist Democrats.

Go look at ice cube bringing Trump the platinum plan.

Searched up Ice Cube's trump endorsement, couldn't find the racist democrats. You're all saying "go look up this black guy" or "just go look at twitter", can you guys show just one specific example of a democrat being racist to a black conservative? I'm beginning to think that you guys think that disagreeing with a black conservative whatsoever makes you a racist

Saying voter ID is racist because black people don't have IDs.

Well they are statistically less likely to have an ID compared to white people. To mandate an ID that a group of people are less likely to have is racist. Unless you were to also mandate that ID’s are free and easy to obtain, but republicans would never do that. It’s like saying poll taxes are racist because black people don’t have money to pay poll taxes. And then people like you twist it around saying, really black people don’t have money? That’s racist to assume that. But no, its just statistically true that black people have less money to pay for poll taxes.


“The ultimate impact of the new voting restrictions, particularly voter ID, may be small. But the long history here, coupled with some Republicans’ frank admissions, is enough to dislike these laws no matter how little they change the electorate.” ID’s aren’t even about countering fraud so why add an extra barrier on voting.

If it makes anyone feel better, I don't care if you are a black, white, or a purple MAGA supporter. I am still going to make fun of you equally. Y'all aren't getting a pass because of your skin color either. You can be black and MAGA, I am still going to make fun of you. You can be gay and MAGA, I am still going to make fun of you. You can be a woman and MAGA, I am still going to make fun of you.

If I say “You’re a Democrat, so will treat you in any bigoted way I want…regardless of race, ethnicity, orientation, gender, age, etc”…does that justify the behavior? How does that make me any better/worse than you? It’s just amazing how little thought “liberals” have rolling around those galaxy brains.😂

My dude, unlike you, I don't care how you treat me. You can call me whatever slur you want. I am still going to make fun of you. If you want to talk about my race, prepare for your race to get brought up. If you want to talk about my ancestry, I am going to talk about yours. If you want to talk about my orientation, have fun obsessing over my dick (you wouldn't be the first Republican to). If you want to talk about gender or age, I am going to make fun of you for those things as well. I like that put the word "liberal" quotes because you have no idea what it means. Tell me, what does the word "liberal" mean (in politics). I cannot wait to hear this answer.

I asked you…you gave me a pretty Liberal response. Does the Democratic Party share your views on this subject, given they like to identify as “liberals”? What is your “moral high ground” on this topic, if you think it’s okay to be a bigot to everybody who disagrees with your politics?

Republicans when they listen to Kendrick Lamar

I’m a Republican and love Kdot


I‘m sure in 3000 more years of songwriting De La Rocha will finally collapse the system

Yes Hall of Famers RatM won't be remembered but Kid Rock and Ted Nugent on the other hand...

Or maybe my point is that with all these conflicting cultural trends no one band is gonna cause a revolution

Any minority. As a minority I get this look of disgust from liberals when you tell them that you’re a conservative. Then their true racism shows when they tell you that because I’m a minority I have to be a democrat.

Yeah, I totally agree. I live in Florida and Trump is definitely taking great care of the minorities here, especially in South Florida. Time for home prices to go down with all this new inventory about to hit the market. Thank you Mr. Trump!

If you think tariffs on Canada are going to help us increase our supply of houses at cheaper cost, you are smoking weapons grade copium. I hope you are trolling lol.

Yeah, I think you need to reread and read into my post.

You're either stupid or trolling. Dunno what to tell you. If you're trolling that's fine. But it's hard to tell with Trump supporters.

Context my man and the context is minorities.

You can be whatever you want. Just know that Trump hates you. Unless you’re willing to sit behind him at his rally wearing a MAGA hat. In which case he’ll give you a pat on the head.

See, you are quite literally proving his point. Trump doesn't "hate" minorities and I bet you cannot back that up with anything somewhat reasonable.

Trump was sued for refusing to rent to blacks in the 1970’s. Trump was condemned for campaigning against the “Central Park 5” even after they were exonerated in the 1980’s. Trump was condemned for making derogatory remarks about Native Americans in the 1990’s while he was running his casinos which he eventually bankrupted. One of many failed businesses of Trump. Trump was one of the main instigators of the discredited “birther movement” against Obama in the 2008 election. Trump regularly reposts racist memes on Twitter, as well as white nationalists. And these are just some highlights. A comprehensive list of every awful thing Trump has said against minorities would take a lot of work to compile.

Okay, a majority of the stuff you listed was from 15 or more years ago. The birther movement wasn't racist, it was a legal concern about Obama's eligibility to be president more than anything. These exist in politics where they go after the other side. The "derogatory remarks" he made were about people who didn't fit the image in his mind of traditional Native Americans and specifically the Pequot Native Americans aren't the typical caricature of Indians most would picture, that's why he said what he said (even if he should have held his tongue). What are the content of the tweets he posts/reposts??

“The birther movement wasn’t racist.” …wut Blindly believing that a black man is a lying Muslim from Kenya isn’t racist?

The thing is you're looking at it from a racial lense, not a legal one. Trump simply wanted the birth certificate for proof of citizenship, that is all.