"So now you're blaming immigrants for the problems we have? Dude you're a flag waiving white supremacist" Users on r/abanpreach argue over if Trump supporters really are that dumb
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/abanpreach/comments/1j8plvn/the_average_trump_supporter_jubilee_clipped_the
Context: r/abanpreach is a sub for fans of the youtube channel aba and preach, who focus mostly on social commentary and readction videos
Nah, she ain't the average supporter; she's off her rocker.
Yes, the average supporter is off their rocker.
Not true at all.
If you look around and are still cheering on the current bullshit you are not well. So still like 90% of supporters.
Not all of this stuff is followed by or believed by the current administration. Hence why you heard her saying they aren't going far enough.
On the European identity argument she’s not wrong though
Exactly. There’s no difference between British, French, German, and Greek cultures. They are that “dominant European culture” meaning they’re all the same
Agreed. People here are really in denial about this. Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.
bruh I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic. British/French/German/Greek cultures are WILDLY diverse and different.
What unifies Europe is there over arching quest for control. That's what unified them 500yrs ago. That's why they formed NATO, that ONLY has European countries. Why do you think that is? The thing that makes them the "same" is their shared global objectives. That's the culture they are preserving
Europe was not unified 500 years ago. When NATO was formed, half of Europe, including Germany was in a counter alliance.
lmao, go to Europe kiddo. Just a bunch of racists with better PR on Reddit.
Want to see Europeans justify their racism, bring up Roma peoples. Most of the European countries ban wild camping to specifically target the Roma
Is roma really the only thing you have? Americans always bring it up and its not even the main cause of racism on Europe.
Lmao, you literally just proved my point. “Oh just that little bit of racism, doesn’t even count” Difference between the US and Europe is Americans can at least admit there’s a problem to work on. Europeans are so pompous about their cultures they can’t fathom there’s something wrong with their racism.
If you agree with a white supremacist that makes you a white supremacist
Ahhhh I see… that old chestnut. Did you even bother to read the rest of the comments?
Yep. Dog whistles all over the place. America is not white and euro centric. Youre agreeing with a white supremacist. America isn't like other countries and that's the point.
That’s your opinion… and that’s fine. Maybe you’re right though. Other countries that blend better don’t have nearly the amount of problems we have here on the levels we have.
So now you're blaming immigrants for the problems we have? Dude you're a flag waiving white supremacist
On what point is she incorrect?
America was made to literally distance itself from who initially colonized it because of lack of representation
I don’t see what that’s refuting. They had political differences but ethnically they were very close.
She was talking specifically about ties to Europe at one point and I'm talking about the breaking of those ties
The breaking of those ethnic ties is a relatively recent development in American history.
Literally the first thing that happened in this country was breaking ties with Europe
Listen, I hate Trump, & I hate white supremacy..... But someone point out where she was wrong? 🤔
What is European culture? You’re aware each country has different culture, ya?
Stop it, Sir. You know what it means.
She said the dominant culture is European. Lmao, that assumes all cultures in Europe are the same. Irish culture isn’t different than Greek? If it is, then there’s not a dominant culture. Italians used to be considered too dark to be ‘white’. Northern European culture is what people like her want
Or maybe remove birthright citizenship. Make everyone take a test. No getting citizenship bc your parents are/is one. EVERYONE MUST TAKE A TEST! Stupid is in all colors Stupid don't discriminate
I agree, everybody out except the Mexicans and first nations!!!!
Except they should taking a test too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Everyone must take a test.
But you don't like birthright? Everyone is an immigrants except Mexicans and first nations. They get to make the test we all have to pass
Nah I was pretending to be an extremist forgetting that people cannot read sarcasm online.
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