r/AskAstrologers debates if Mars Opposition to Pluto is sign of society's collapse
There is a difference between peddling fear and being reasonably informed. Look around the world and tell me shit hasn’t gone awry.
Girl, wrong thread 🤣
Not really I figured mars opposition Pluto and I’ll be having that once Pluto moves into Aquarius so 😊….
You talking relationship astrology, the thread talking potential societal collapse?? 🤭🤪
She's got the right idea while the rest of you are too engaged in matters out of your control and also which will have very little effect on you at the end of it all -The Arkh Drakon ♑🐉🪐
I checked onthisday.com and overall there were a lot of tragedies that month, but the opposition was tighter towards the end of the month. That was also when the OJ Simpson chase happened.
Yeah, I was born at the end of June, the day after the opposition went exact, when mars was on algol. OJ's thing was weeks before the opposition. What kind of tragedies? Rwanda was already in civil war before then, there was a gas attack in Japan which was big but not mass-scale, and a storm in Florida. But none of these casualties sound any worse than anything that's happened before or after the opposition. Edit: isn't OJ's arrest etc also technically not a tragedy?
I was just going by what is on that site, there are a lot of historical events at least that seem connected. Although - I think considering the Pluto cycle, we should also consider when Mars was sq and conjunct Pluto too, because although some of the things that happened didn’t seem large scale, they may be very important to the whole story.
I think they mean mundane astrology, not natal astrology.
This aspect repeats itself every two years - there is no need to dramatize aspects that are relatively frequent. We will consider this only if this aspect is personal, for the chart where this opposition activates other personal positions, ONLY in that case it makes some sense to consider it.