Photography enjoyers on R/pics debates vigilanteism and lionization



  • Jesus you people are evil

    • The health insurance industry in the USA is one of, if not the, most evil industries in the country. Everyone despises these people apart from the worst boot lickers.

      • I am not denying the fact that healthcare companies are not evil but also stating the fact that r/pics and its users like you ARE ALSO EVIL
        • Why? When something bad happens to evil people, is it evil to celebrate it?
    • The man shot was arguably responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, and would have gone on to be responsible for thousands more.

      • His death does not prevent any future deaths or denial of coverage so... it didnt do anything good or different than whats been going on before he died.

        • If Hitler ran off instead of killing himself at the end of WW2, would he still deserve death?
          • I know you aren't comparing Hitler to some guy who is a CEO. hate to tell you but that's a job that is probably already filled and world keeps turning.
    • Yeah imagine killing hundreds of thousands of people and thinking you can walk around with no consequences, the assassin is a hero

      • The only thing that assassin did was deprive a woman and children of her husband and father. He may have done bad things but killing him doesn't help anyone.

        • You mean his estranged wife. Even she didn't like the guy.
          • His children are still fatherless.
      • I dare you to say this stupid shit in front of actual people. You people need to get off the Internet.

      • That’s the thinking of an idiot.

        • ^ found another of those "pro-CEO" types
          • I’m more anti-murder than I am pro-CEO. But Reddit loves making heroes out of losers, so guess I’m in the minority
    • But murdering people by lying through your teeth to deny access to healthcare, like that dead monster did is okay? That monster is burning in hell and. I hope there's an after life and he spends eternity reliving massive pain he inflicted on millions.

      • Celebrating murder on either side is evil. Even Nazis had trials for their crimes.

        • Just curious, do you consider the French Resistance evil? They certainly killed nazis without trials

          • Because an occupying army is comparable to an insurance ceo
          • Are you seriously conflating Nazi’s and the violent murder of millions of people to a heath care executive? Holy shit that might be the most reddit brain thing I have ever read on here. It’s also super disrespectful to the victims of Nazi Germany when you trivialize what went through turning it into an argument for your own pet social cause.
        • The reality is that in the current political system, none of these people will face justi

          • Because they've done nothing illegal
  • The people commenting and posting all this shit are demented.

    • Absolutely true. Celebrating a cold blooded murder is just beyond fucked up, especially because people somehow think they have a moral highground here.

      • All the people celebrating lost their minds when George Floyd was murdered, Kyle Rittenhouse killing a convicted pedophile in self defense etc. This clearly has nothing to do with moral high ground or consequences. It all boils down to "Murdering people I don't like = good".

        • "It all boils down to "Murdering people I don't like objectively evil people = good"." I celebrated when Osama Bin Laden died, and objectively speaking, Brian Thompson caused WAY more suffering and deaths for Americans than Osama Bin Laden ever did.
          • Skipping that first sentence huh.
      • He was evil how exactly? Managing a company in a broken system or because he got wealthy in a high value Job? Maybe we start shooting doctors who got rich in the health care system too.

        • You do realize UHC had DOUBLE the industry standard for denials, right? It wasn't by a small margin. They are the industry leader in inflicting suffering on their customers.
        • But doctors help people. Doctors make half a million to save lives. This guy made tens of millions from denying care at double the industry average rate. They are NOT the same.
          • So is it because the guy was rich or was it what he did according to your feels?
            Choose one to justify his cold blooded murder while thinking you are morally correct.
      • Why?

        • Because murdering people is wrong? Following a moral framework where this murder is fine, consequently is for death penalties and also against the justice system generally. So if a cop thinks some guy did something bad, he should just murder him, because why the fuck not, right?
          • But this ceo was doing nothing wrong in a legal sense
  • Sure the CEO was horrible But Killing him and acting like the assassin is the hero? the only way to make change is by creating protests (peaceful ones like blocking major transportation for the said company* or y'know, just wait until every company gets hit hard the recession that's gonna happen in a few years

    • The only way to address healthcare is to peacefully protest??? Or to wait for the company to lower its cost by itself??? Do you hear yourself?

      • Second part is dumb, first one isn't. Do you remember Martin Luther King? Did they shoot anyone? No. But did they still accomplish a lot? Yes, absolutely. Protests are an essential part of any democracy and one of the major ways things change. Murder isn't. He's just going to be replaced, the company doesn't care about him either. So start protesting.

        • Hahahah if you think the US of the 60s is the US we have today then you’ve gotta do some reflecting
    • The man shot was arguably responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, and would have gone on to be responsible for thousands more. You think that thousands of deaths would not bother him, but people asking him nicely would?

      • How does murdering him fix the problem either way?

        • It sends a message that their actions have consequences.
          • No it doesn't. If anything it shows they need to beef security up. Are we just going to kill anyone who we see as bad now?
        • I never said it fixed the problem, but I have no sympathy for him. You can’t just kill thousands, then say “killing me won’t stop the killing”, and expect all to be forgiven. If nothing else, it’s a deterrent to whoever takes his place
          • The only thing it did was tell the next dude to beef security up. Murdering him didn't fix the Healthcare system in any way.
  • Ok - Reddit is completely fucked in the head. This is so wild

    • This is one of the worst circlejerks I’ve seen in a long time here, and that’s saying something

      • One of the cringiest as well. Everyone sounding like a bunch of 14 year old edgelords up in here. I think Trump winning caused the average Redditor to have a full on mental break and this is one of the many ways it is manifesting itself.

        • Exactly. They lost and now just want to tear everything down. Burn it all down. Like a toddler who destroys others structures during free time when they don’t get their way. It’s manifesting in them larping as revolutionary class warriors who have somehow “sent a message”. It’s so cringe

          • Hey dipshit maybe go check out r/conservative because it isn't just one side rooting this on.
    • It's not Reddit. This is what happens when you oppress a working class. Just look at the late 1800s and early 1900s.

      • No its reddit. no sane person would be glorifying this as much

      • “Oppress the working class” you know there a literal slaves mining cobalt for your phones battery so you can write stupid shit like this? Take your oppression and go make a cup of coffee Susan.

        • The "yet you participate in society" doesn't make people less mad dawg

          • We should probably do something about the slavery before we move on to the fact that your mom didn’t get the right kind of chips at the store or whatever your precieved “oppression” is this week
        • Same working class that was so oppressed they chose Donald Trump, one of the biggest pro big business candidates in recent years?

          • Unironically yes. Despite his actual policies he's managed to paint himself as the working man's anti-establishment candidate.
        • I can guarantee you, most members of the "working class" (hint: it's not the people writing tumblr poetry for the cause) are on Reddit. Y'all are LARPing.

          • Why are poetry and the working class mutually exclusive?
  • This is an artist taking an advantage of a moment to become famous (hopefully for them). Let us not confuse this with a mandate on what is right vs. wrong. Murder is wrong.

    • Yes especially murdering people by denying them Life-Saving treatments just to help your annual bonus.

      • The way you think is so original.

        • why is his way of thinking wrong? What other way of thinking is there? The guy had his hand in alot of peoples deaths and could of changed that but didnt.
          • And how do you know that? Were you in the board meeting while they were making decisions? The board can still overturn the CEO in decisions, blindly thinking that the CEO had a hand in the thousands of cases that come in everyday is this idiotic and anyone cheering on murder is evil which is not surprising since this is a leftist subreddit that spouts eat the rich.
    • What about the healthcare CEO responsible for millions of people being denied care and potentially dying as a result?

      • What about confusing your desire for a scapegoat with justice?

        • How is it so hard to understand why seeing a CEO of a company responsible for the suffering of millions of people getting murked is an extremely cathartic moment for so many people? I'm under no illusions that this is going to fix anything but it's hard to deny that it's the closest thing to justice a lot of people are ever going to feel.

          • I hate to break it to you, but in this type of situation feelings are often wrong. And tragically, the catharsis will correct nothing as you admit. So why condone something we all know is wrong - murder.
  • This shits weird. The way this guy is being revered is going to lead to more killing — and, spoiler, it’s not always going to be a target you agree with.

    • It's already not, though. Definitely prefer this over babies in pre k.

      • Yeah let’s direct mass shooters to insurance conferences rather than schools!
      • There were young kids shot in California literally today. This does nothing to curb gun violence in schools — if anything it will probably worsen that too. The kid shooting up his school can see himself as a hero just as easily. “I was standing up to X, I’m a hero”. We might not agree with that one, but the kid contemplating murder isn’t going to poll the general public first. asdfgIt’s not like there’s a finite amount of gun violence and it’s being redirected elsewhere. It’s just increasing.

        • So what’s your plan chief, this has already worked to get a different insurance company to revoke a dangerous policy that might have killed thousands. Show me some results that other shit works.
        • Things gotta get worse before they get better. Maybe we'll get better mental healthcare and gun control if people that "actually matter" are the targets rather than some random kid.
        • Wtf are you talking about. This discussion has nada to do with the prevalence of school shootings. The two situations are so far apart both motivation-wise and pragmatically as to render any argument predicated upon their supposed similarity at best a laughable one. And how does the last sentence relate at all to the subject matter, precisely? Pathetic. Three non-sequiturs in a trenchcoat larping as an argument.
      • That's a false dichotomy. We have the power to get all American citizens access to healthcare peacefully by voting for politicians who campaign strongly for universal healthcare. We did not do that though. Murder isn't the answer. Voting for the people who will pass universal healthcare is the answer. It's so frustrating that people are not voting in their own best interest and then getting so mad at the downward spiral that they feel murder is justified. None of this would be necessary if we simply voted in the healthcare system that the rest of the world uses. We need healthcare reform.

        • When are the people who will pass universal healthcare going to be on the ballot?

          • If Bernie Sanders had been elected, this may have never happened and we might have single payer healthcare. But I don't believe we live in that kind of a democracy. The corporations, and the wealthiest 1% didn't want that. They didn't want him. They gave us another corporate owned Democrat to vote for. The pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies, large Wall Street banks, etc. control both parties.
          • When you put some work in getting them through primaries and on to the ballot? Did you not learn about this in high school civics class? Do you think people magically appear on ballots?
        • Propaganda won't allow this.

          • You had best hope that it doesn't become the case that people who don't get their way through legal methods begin murdering anyone who disagrees with them. What happens when someone disagrees with you?
    • I know right? All my friends and family who make vile and unethical decisions to profit off of the most vulnerable people better watch out!

      • This is the thing with slippery slope, right now it's billionaire fucks, but the bar keeps getting lower. Mobs are dumb.

        • People are starting to feel more and more powerless to change things, that historically usually leads to a more violent population, if peoples lives continue to get worse this will become far more common.
          • Yes, but that violence won't always be directed at people you oppose. Sometimes this will be against people you support, god forbid, someone you actually care about.
      • People with different political leanings might think you and your friends are the bad guys. But please keep glorifying murder

        • People with different political leanings are ALREADY doing that. This won't change that factor. All it does do is show that the Billionaire class isn't untouchable.
          • Except the man wasn’t even remotely close to being a billionaire so, again, fuck all achieved.
        • We are glorifying justice. If the legal system won’t give us justice, is it any surprise that people will celebrate it where they can get it?

          • the middle east is a bastion of peace ever since they started cutting thieves' hands off. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye makes the world perfect.
    • Why is it weird? Don't most people approve of the death penalty? Aren't people in the military considered heroes in the US? Why is this different?

      • Most people approve of due process too

        • Due process only works if you can’t buy the laws. If the people involved are above the law, due process isn’t an option anymore.
          • What laws did this CEO break?
          • (ctnd) That’s the entire point, genius. He can just buy the laws. The laws are written for people like him to be allowed to do it. Now, if we go by natural law, he’s a predatory mass murdering scumbag with a higher body count than 99.9% of humanity. We’re just rediscovering natural law because the legalism has failed.
    • Exactly. I’m gonna get downvoted, but this is out of control. I totally get that insurance companies are bullshit and scams (not just health, all insurance), but to be praising someone for cold blooded murder? You’re right. Idiots are going to think it’s okay, and replicate. Very troubling times.

      • when they understand that this is the alternative to simply more progressive policies... i dunno, i think thats honestly the best civic engagement america has seen in years i dont know if you actually "get" how bloodthirsty insurance is... you have likely not had a loved one unnecessarily DIE while living in the richest country in history... rich people deserve to worry about their mortality again. they sure aint worried about ours
      • They literally see us as cattle and you feel bad? 95% of CEOs are demon incarnates. If people who are stressed enough to kill start targeting CEOs instead of schools and places of worship after seeing all this support then id call it a true win-win situation

  • I think things like what this guy did should happen more often. Just my opinion

    • You think more rich people should be killed in cold blood for being rich?

      • You think the main reason he was killed was because he was rich? Silly goose.

        • I never said that was the main reason so I’m not sure where you got that from Someone who indirectly is causing harm shouldn’t have the masses happy they were murdered in cold blood
          • Is it indirectly if he’s fully aware of it? Are you saying he had no power over the system he was a part of? Who directly caused harm then? The folks working below him? Where does the blame lie when someone’s life-saving treatment is denied? Why do YOU care so much? Ask yourself why the masses ARE happy, it’s probably for a reason. No need to defend a dead man who certainly would not give a shit about your life were the roles reversed. He made MONEY off of a callous disregard for human welfare. Edit: It was implied you believed it to be the main reason when you said “for being rich”, by the way. If you didn’t mean it to come across that way you should say what you actually mean.
      • This is disingenuous to say the least lmfao

        • I’m the disingenuous one for asking for clarity when someone is suggesting more people should be murdered because we don’t agree with their polices

          • Describing a guy who would watch your house be repossessed because you couldn't afford cancer treatment if it raised his stock position 5% as "someone who disagreed with policies" is wild lmao.
  • It's offputting that Americans celebrate a murderer.

    • … did you see who was elected? Are you surprised? Also, do you know ANYTHING about the company that guy was CEO of?

      • It's completely irrelevant what company this guy was CEO of and if they were evil or not. Killing a person is never good.

        • Something needs to die every time something eats. Humans like to think we are special, but sometimes removing evil with surgical precision is a necessity for society. Progress is built on blood, and the foundation for revolution is bone.
          • What an archaic view on life. I am glad I don't see the world that grim.