Failed med/surg 1 lecture

My program requires an 80% testing/quiz average, and after our final exam in lecture I ended with a 79.5% average. My final grade in the course was an 83%, but because my testing/quiz average was below an 80%, they failed me. Three of my classmates failed the course as well. I did speak with the director of the program, being 0.5% away from passing, but they refused to round me up. Don’t get me wrong, I am not blaming them as it was my own fault for not passing. It’s just a harder pill to swallow when I was that close. I have already been “readmitted” to the program after my meeting with the director and writing a letter of intent to essentially do/be better, but I am still having a hard time to find the will to continue. I will now be with a completely different group which is hard in itself, and I won’t be allowed to retake the course until January which sets my graduation date back an entire year. If I continue, I have to retake the course in its entirety (lecture, lab and clinical) even though I got an A in both lab and clinical. I feel like such a failure, and it keeps me up at night. I know I want to be a nurse, but this ordeal has been so disheartening. I appreciate any advice or stories anyone has to help me get through this.